There are secret triggers under the hood that if you do them enough times in a short period of time, you will get that quirk pushed on you," Miotke explained. With Vampires, you could choose which weakness. Perks and quirks come into play as your reputation increases or decreases, but players will have no control over the quirks. If I'm fighting bouncers or paparazzi, I'm going to get a hit with that." But if I'm on the street and someone saw me, my reputation would be hit. If, I'm making out with them at home and nobody was around, it's like it didn't even happen. "I'm a famous celebrity, married, and I have a side Sim. The best example Miotke gave was case of a celebrity cheating. What we are saying is how others Sims perceive those actions affect. We aren't saying certain interactions are good or bad. "There's a million types of vampires, how can you make the one that fits for you? Just like real life there is a huge variance of celebrity, what makes them famous or infamous."įame and reputation is tracked in the Simology tab, but the reputation progression system is far more obscure than fame. "I think versus the past way that the Sims has dealt with fame - you'd have a five star celebrity and every five star celebrity would essentially act and feel the same - this is all about how you mix and match these perks and quirks. Don't want to be famous? Fear not, you can opt in or out of the fame game so your Sim won't be affected by reputation and fame. Self-absorbed is the new fame-driven personality trait, and there's two new aspirations: master actor and famous celebrity. "It's a system that will have a high value for a long period of time," he said. According to Miotke, nearly "300 interactions" tie into fame. Other careers may give you opportunities for fame at the expense of something else. This means that writing books, painting masterpieces, and certain careers (like astronaut) will allow you to build fame. "What was really important to us is anything that's already in the game now, you should be able to gain fame on that." "It's a very open-ended progression system with reward and pushback structure," Miotke said. During the demo, we learned about the risks of hiding a side Sim, the details behind fame's career integration and the surprises hidden in the new reputation system. Last week, Get Famous Lead Producer David Miotke walked us through creating our own famous person. 16, brings a new acting career, a fame/reputation system and a brand new world to the game. Sims 4: Get Famous is the game's sixth expansion pack, and it's all about living the life of a celebrity.